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Part 17 : The Night Journey and The Ascent

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It was during these early years of his prophethood that one of the greatest miracles of all time occurred. The Prophet (sa) happened to be visiting the house of Hubayrah, the husband of Hind, better known as Umm Hani, the daughter of Fatima and Abu Talib when night fell so they invited him to stay over night. Although Hubayrah had not converted to Islam his wife and mother−in−law had, and so they were blessed to join the Prophet (sa) in offering the night prayer. That night the Prophet (sa) slept but a little, then arose and made his way to his beloved Ka'ba. After a while drowsiness overcame him and he lay down to sleep near the Hijr Ishmael. Whilst he slept, the Angel Gabriel came to him and stirred him with his foot, the Prophet (sa) awoke, sat up, but saw no one and so he settled himself down. The same thing occurred three times, but upon the third time as he looked up he saw Gabriel who greeted him and took hold of his arm to help him arise. Gabriel led the Prophet (sa) to the door of Ka'ba, and there before it stood Burak, a winged white animal from Paradise, greater in size than a donkey but lesser than a mule, with wings on its hind legs. Burak was surrounded by angels on either side but as the Prophet (sa) tried to mount, it shied away, whereupon Gabriel placed his hand on its mane and said, "O Burak, are you not ashamed to behave in such a manner? By Allah, no one that has ridden you before this is more honorable before Allah," whereupon, Burak broke out in a sweat and stood still for the Prophet (sa) to mount. As soon as the Prophet (sa) was seated, the Angels Gabriel and Mikail also mounted. Gabriel sat in front of the Prophet (sa) holding Burak's saddle and Mikail sat behind the Prophet (sa) holding its rein. As Gabriel pointed the way Burak set forth. Each stride it took reached the end of his vision, miraculously breaking the barrier of light which NASA, with all its technical advances has been unable to achieve, and as they passed over the mountains Burak raised his legs higher so that they passed over them in comfort. When Burak reached Jerusalem, he stopped and raised his front leg so that the Prophet (sa) could dismount. There, in Jerusalem, the Prophet (sa) was greeted by several prophets amongst whom were Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, and it was there on the site of the ancient temple of Jerusalem that Prophet Muhammad (sa) led them in prayer. After its conclusion, the Prophet (sa) was offered two goblets, one contained wine and the other milk. The Prophet (sa) chose the goblet of milk and drank from it whereupon Gabriel said, "You have been rightly guided and so will your nation; for wine is forbidden." After this the Prophet (sa) and Gabriel ascended to the nearest heaven. Upon reaching it Gabriel asked for its gate to be opened whereupon its guardian inquired, "Who is there?" "Gabriel," he replied, and "who is with you," asked the guardian. Gabriel replied, "Muhammad," and the gate was opened. The same questions and replies were to be asked and given at the gate of each heaven.

As the Prophet (sa) entered the first heaven all but one of the angels expressed signs of happiness and smiled a welcoming smile. The Prophet (sa) turned to Gabriel and asked about the unsmiling angel and was told, "He is Malik, the Guardian of Hell, he does not smile but if he were to smile at anyone, it would be to you." Whilst the Prophet (sa) was in the first heaven, he saw Prophet Adam observing the souls of the deceased. When a good soul passed by he was very happy and said, "A good soul for a good body," however when a bad soul passed by he would frown and say, "A bad soul for a bad body." Upon seeing Prophet Muhammad (sa) Prophet Adam welcomed and supplicated for him and asked Gabriel if he had been sent for, and Gabriel confirm that it was so.

In the second heaven, the Prophet (sa) and Gabriel were met by Prophet Jesus, the son of Mary, and John, the son of Zechariah who also welcomed him and supplicated for him and inquired if he had been sent for. Later the Prophet (sa) described Prophet Jesus as being a man of medium height, straight hair, with a reddish, freckled complexion.

In the third heaven the Prophet (sa) met Joseph, the son of Prophet Jacob, who was so handsome that the Prophet (sa) described him as being as beautiful as the full moon and had been given half of all the beauty, whereas Prophet Muhammad was given all the beauty. He welcomed and supplicated for the Prophet and also inquired if the Prophet had been sent for and was told that he had. THE FOURTH HEAVEN In the fourth heaven they encountered Idris of whom the Al-Quran speaks: "And mention in the Book, Idris; he too was of the truth and a Prophet, We raised him to a high place." Al-Quran 19:56 – 57
Idris welcomed and supplicated for the Prophet and inquired if he had been sent for and
Gabriel affirmed that he had.

 THE FIFTH HEAVEN In the fifth heaven the Prophet (sa) met a handsome man with white hair and a long beard, it was Prophet Aaron, the son of Imran. Like the prophets before him he too welcomed and supplicated for him and inquired if he had been sent.
In the sixth heaven he met a man with a prominent nose, similar to those of the people of Shanu'a. The man was Prophet Moses, brother of Aaron and son of Imran, and as before he too welcomed and supplicated for him and inquired.
When Prophet Muhammad (sa) and Gabriel entered the seventh heaven they saw a man sitting on a throne at the entrance of an eternal, crowded mansion − Al Bayt al Mamor. The entrance of the eternal mansion has been explained by scholars as being the entrance to Paradise. The man was Prophet Abraham of whom Prophet Muhammad observed, "I have never seen a man more like myself." It was in the seventh heaven that the Prophet saw a beautiful, heavenly maiden −− a houri −− and asked to whom she would be espoused and was told Zaid, the son of Haritha. Then he saw angels entering the gates of the mansion and was told that each day seventy thousand angels enter never to return again until the Day of Resurrection. The Gabriel took the Prophet (sa) to the Lote tree of the Furthest Limit. The Prophet (sa) described the tree as having leaves the size of elephants ears and fruit like earthenware vessels. When the command of Allah covers it, that which is covered undergoes a change, the beauty of which none in all creation is able to describe. Thereafter Allah obligated that fifty prayers were to be offered during the day and night. Before the Prophet (sa) left Allah said to him, ‘Peace be unto you O Prophet,” and the Prophet (sa) replied, ‘Peace be unto us all, and good worshipers.”

On the Prophet's return through the heavens he met Moses once again who asked how many daily prayers had become incumbent upon him and his followers. When Prophet Muhammad (sa) told him fifty, Moses replied, "Prayer is a weighty matter, and your nation is weak. I have tested the Children of Israel and know by experience, return to our Lord and ask Him to reduce the number for you and your nation." Prophet Muhammad (sa) returned to his Lord and asked for a reduction, and the number was reduced to forty. Once again the Prophet (sa) met Moses upon his return who asked him the same question, whereupon he returned, and so it continued until the number of daily prayers became reduced to five. When the Prophet (sa) met Moses upon his final return, Moses inquired as he had done before, but Prophet Muhammad (sa) told him that he felt ashamed to ask Allah to reduce the number yet again. In later years the Prophet (sa) informed his companions that when they offer each of the five obligatory daily prayers in faith and trust they receive the reward of ten prayers for each obligated prayer. He reminded them that they should be grateful to Moses for the reduction in number. The Prophet (sa) also told his companions that he was told that for whosoever intends doing something good and does not do it, a meritous act is recorded for them, however, if he or she does it they are the recipients of the reward for ten meritous acts. When a person intends to do a wrong action nothing will be written against them, but if the wrong action is carried through then only one wrong action is recorded against them. Peace be upon all the Prophets of Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (sa) and Angel Gabriel now returned to Burak who waited patiently on the Mount in readiness for the return journey to Mecca. As they sped over the mountains and desert they overtook several southward bound caravans. When they neared Syria a camel saw Burak, took fright and bolted away from its camp. The Prophet (sa) saw where the camel had stopped and as the traders searched for the camel they heard his voice telling them where it could be found. They had reached Dajanan −− approximately twenty−five miles from Mecca −− when the Prophet (sa) saw a caravan and stopped for brief moment. Not far from the sleeping traders was a covered jug of water, he removed its cover, drank the remaining water, replaced the cover and without disturbing anyone left to continue home to Mecca. The Prophet (sa) arrived in Mecca before dawn and just before it broke he awoke Umm Hani to pray. After the prayer he told her, "O Umm Hani, as you witnessed, I prayed here last night with you in this valley. After that I went to Jerusalem and prayed there. Now, as you have seen, I prayed the dawn prayer here with you." Umm Hani was concerned for the Prophet (sa) and said, "O Prophet of Allah (sa), do not tell anyone about this because they will belie and insult you." As the Prophet (sa) made ready to leave for the Ka'ba he replied, "By Allah, I will certainly tell them," whereupon Umm Hani asked her servant to follow him to make sure no harm came to him and to report back to her.

Upon reaching the Ka'ba, the Prophet (sa) told those present, believer and unbeliever alike, about his miraculous journey. Immediately, the unbelievers laughed and mocked him. They did not believe in his miracles and on no account would they believe him now, as the return journey of such distance was known to take well over two months. Gloating in what they deemed to be their triumph, a group of Koraysh made their way to Abu Bakr's house to tell him the news. When they reached him they said, "What do you think of your friend now! He tells us that last night he went to Jerusalem, prayed there and then returned to Mecca!" Abu Bakr's immediate reaction was that they were trying to trick him, for he distrusted his visitors, but as soon as Abu Bakr realized they were in earnest, he turned to them and said, "If he said it, then it is indeed true! What makes you wonder, he tells me greater news that is sent down from the heavens to earth in any hour of the day or night. I know he speaks the truth!" Then, Abu Bakr left his home and went to the Ka'ba and repeated his conviction. When the Prophet (sa) learned of Abu Bakr's forthrightness, he named him "As−Sideek" −− "The Sincere" −− the confirmer of the truth.

Among the Prophet's followers were those who needed additional reassurance. They had heard the Prophet (sa) tell of the caravans nearing Mecca and of the camel that bolted as well as the empty jug of water, so they waited for the caravans to return to ask them. One by one the caravans returned and each trader confirmed the incidents.

The Prophet (sa) told only a few select companions about his ascent through the heavens and the meeting at the Sidrat Tree. It wasn't until some years later that he narrated the events of his ascent to the rest of the companions. Concerning the Night Ascent it was revealed:
"Indeed it is not except a Revelation which is revealed, taught by One who is Stern in power. Of might, he (Gabriel) stood firm while he was in the highest horizon; then he drew near, and become close he was but two bows' length or even nearer so (Allah) revealed to His worshipper (Gabriel) that which he revealed (to Prophet Muhammad). His heart did not lie of what he saw. What, will you dispute with him about what he sees! Indeed, he saw him in another descent at the Lote Tree (Sidrat tree) of the ending close to the Garden of Refuge. When there comes to the Lote Tree, that which comes his eyes did not swerve, nor did they stray for indeed he saw one of the greatest signs of his Lord." Al-Quran 53:4−18


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